December 21, 2016

Enesis Care of Aceh Earthquake Natural Disaster

The earthquake disaster of 6.5 on the Richter Scale (SR) that shook the Special Region of Aceh on December 7, 2016 has caused hundreds of casualties both injured and died from crashing buildings. Not only the casualties, the earthquake also caused material losses such as hundreds of houses collapsed and damage to public facilities such as roads and bridges that slow the evacuation of victims. Undoubtedly, all Indonesian people are moving to help the refugees of Aceh earthquake both from the government, the private sector and the general public.

Pada 20-21 Desember 2016 lalu, Enesis Group melalui tim representatif Aceh turut berpartisipasi untuk meringankan beban para pengungsi gempa Aceh. Bentuk bantuan yang diberikan oleh Enesis Group diantaranya adalah 500 helai selimut serta bantuan produk Soffell sebanyak 10 karton. Funna Candra (Area Sales Distribution Head Aceh) mengutarakan bahwa reaksi masyarakat di kamp pengungsian sangat positif dan berterima kasih atas bantuan dari Enesis Group.

On 20-21 December 2016, Enesis Group through Aceh representative team participated to alleviate the burden of the Aceh earthquake refugees. Forms of assistance provided by Enesis Group include 500 blankets and Soffell products. Funna Candra (Area Sales Distribution Head Aceh) stated that the society reaction in the refugee camp is very positive and thankful for the assistance of Enesis Group.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) “Enesis Peduli” activities conducted by Enesis Group is a form of social awareness and commitment of the company to always consistently provide assistance for victims of natural disasters and calamities that occurred in Indonesia.