October 20, 2015 News

Participation of Antis in the 51st National Health Day

In order to celebrate the 51st National Health Day, the Ministry of Health again held a National Health Day (HKN) exhibition on 13th-15th November 2015 at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. PT Herlina Indah participated by establishing a booth selling with various promos of all PT Herlina Indah brands, such as Soffell, Kispray, Antis, and ForceMagic….

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July 8, 2015 News

Adem Sari, Vegeta, dan Antis Received Top Brand Award 2015

Enesis Group through its 3 flagship brands Adem Sari, Vegeta, and Antis received the Top Brand Award 2015 award for deep drink / heatiness drink, inflatable bowel, and hand hygiene antiseptic organized by Marketing and Frontier Consulting Group magazine. The award was held on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at Mulia Hotel, South Jakarta and handed…

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May 12, 2015 News

Antis Received Indonesia WOW Brand 2015

Antis has been considered as one of the brands that has successfully transformed awareness into advocacy, and it just recently received an Indonesia WOW Brand 2015 award for hand sanitizer category. This award was organized by MarkPlus Insight and directly granted to Rio Sumadiwangsa (Product Manager) on March 5th 2015 at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, South…

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May 12, 2015 News

Education on Dengue Fever by Soffell in Malang

The high number of people who suffered from Dengue Fever in Malang, East Java, encouraged Soffell through its program called “Kotaku Bebas DBD” (“My City is Free from Dengue Fever”) to educate students from 18 Primary Schools at 3 subsdistricts of Malang such as Turen, Pakisaji, and Gedangan, collaborating with local Clinics with a goal…

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March 2, 2015 News

Soffel Cares For Dengue Fever in East Java

Due to the high number of reports on people who suffer from dengue fever in 21 Regencies/Cities in East Java, Soffell was compelled to hold a media gathering, discussing about “The Most Effective Preventive Steps Against Dengue Fever”, on Wednesday, 25 February 2015 and hosted by DR. dr. Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, M.Sc. (a Lecturer…

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