May 13, 2011

Social Charity at Pura Abdi Dharma Jagadhita

Hindu Bali Society of Abdi Dharma Jagadhita Association (Persatuan Masyarakat Hindu Bali Pura Abdi Dharma Jagadhita), organized a social charity event at the premises of Pura Tri Bhuana Agung, Depok, by providing free medical treatments for public residents around the premises. The social charity which had been started since morning on 7 November 2010 was very well received by the residents and attended by approximately 400 people. The long queues to get free treatments showed high enthusiasm of the residents for the implementations of such social events.

The social charity provided 16 doctors consisted of 3 specialist, 3 dentists, and 10 general practitioners to offer free treatments such as general medical treatment, dental, and eyes treatment to the residents. To receive the right treatment, patients were being checked first by general practitioner, and then he/she would be recommended to specialist according to complaints and detected disease.

After medical treatments, Enesis participated in supporting the event by providing information on how to relieve sore throat, canker sore, and gingivitis. By the presence of this event, hopefully the society will be more concern on how important it is to live a healthy life. (Indonesia)

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