December 27, 2024 News

Prioritizing Employee Health, Enesis Group Holds Annual MCU

Health is an invaluable asset, especially for employees who are the backbone of the company. Realizing the importance of this, Enesis Group held a Medical Check Up (MCU) for all its employees on 19-27 December 2024 at 3 (three) Plants (Plant Pulogadung, Plant Cikarang, Plant Ciawi). Meanwhile, for employees who work outside Jabodetabek, the MCU will be carried out at a designated partner clinic.

This activity is a manifestation of Enesis Group’s commitment to maintaining the health and welfare of its employees.

The MCU held by Enesis Group includes various examinations, including:

  • Physical Examination

Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, weight, height, and general examination of body organs.

  • Laboratory Examination

Complete blood test, urine, liver function, kidney function, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

  • Cardiac Function Check (Echocardiography/ECG)

Echocardiography (ECG) aims to examine the condition, structure, and function of the heart.

“Employee health is our top priority. Through this routine MCU program, we hope to detect potential health problems early and provide appropriate treatment,” said Dr. Shabrina Ghassani Roza as the representative of the Enesis Group Plant Pulogadung company doctor. She added that this program is also a form of company investment in creating a healthy and productive work environment.

The purpose of the Medical Check Up is to evaluate health conditions and help diagnose potential health problems that may arise. Health checks are not only in the form of physical examinations by doctors but also include laboratory tests and other examinations.

The results of this MCU can be used as material for evaluating employee health and the results will be informed privately and explained by the doctor. If indications of health problems are found, the company will facilitate the necessary follow-up.

The MCU program is just one of the many efforts made by Enesis Group in maintaining the health of its employees. The company also provides health facilities in the workplace, health education programs, and supports a healthy lifestyle through various activities.

With a strong commitment to employee health, Enesis Group hopes to create a healthy, productive and harmonious work environment.

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