June 27, 2024 News

Making Indonesia Dengue Free: Enesis Group and Ministry of Health Synergize to Educate Elementary School Students about Dengue Prevention

In the context of ASEAN Dengue Day 2024, Soffell from Enesis Group together with the Indonesian Ministry of Health collaborated to carry out the CSR program “Make Indonesia Dengue Free” with 3M+ education. This program targets several elementary schools, namely in Tangerang, Bogor, West Jakarta and Bandung. The first 3M+ education was carried out in the Tangerang Regency area, Banten on 19 June – 21 June 2024 at SDN Curug 2, SDN Panongan 3 and SDN Cikupa 4. The second education was carried out in Bogor City on 24 June – 26 June 2024 at SDN Kedung Badak 3 , SDN Bantarjati 9 and SDN Ciheuleut 2.

The activities carried out in the six schools include 3M Plus education (Cover, Drain, Recycle)  and the plus is using anti-mosquito lotion as self-protection to avoid mosquito bites which was conveyed by a doctor.

After the 3M+ education was carried out, the students were invited to listen to fairy tales as entertainment. Furthermore,  Enesis Group also presented a powerful practice test with Soffell which gained enthusiasm from the students to try and prove that hands that have used Soffell are less likely to be bitten by mosquitoes.

This 3M+ educational event closed with a fashion competition which students participated in using recyclable materials.

Through this 3M+ educational program, it is hoped that students can understand the importance of maintaining a clean environment and using anti-mosquito lotion to prevent bites from the Aedes aegypti mosquito which can transmit dengue fever. Apart from that, this program can contribute to reducing the number of dengue fever cases in Indonesia and realizing a Dengue Free Indonesia.

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