August 30, 2024 News

Kispray: Inspiration for Classy Muslim Perfume Choices

Kispray in collaboration with Kumparan, successfully held a study event at the Almahmudah Manasik Training Center, South Tangerang on Thursday, August 29, 2024. The event raised an interesting topic of discussion, namely “How does Islam view the use of fragrances?”. The event, which took place at 10:00 – 11:30 WIB, was hosted by Winda Dwiastuti and attended by inspiring speakers, namely Ustadzah Oki Setiana Dewi and Irish Bella who will share interesting insights about the use of fragrances from an Islamic perspective.

In the sermon delivered by Ustadzah Oki Setiana Dewi, she said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW gave advice to all of us Muslims, especially in worship, to wear fragrances when facing and worshiping Allah SWT so that worship can be more solemn. The Prophet said in HR Bukhari, “Indeed, Allah has the right for every Muslim to take a bath every seven days. If he has a fragrance, let him use it”.

Kispray, with its luxurious and long-lasting perfume, not only provides freshness but also helps create a solemn atmosphere during worship. Its effective anti-germ formula kills germs and bacteria ensuring that prayer tools remain clean and hygienic. In Islam, the use of clean and fragrant fragrances such as those contained in Kispray is believed to calm the heart and increase solemnity in prayer. In addition, Kispray can also increase self-confidence and comfort when interacting with fellow worshipers in a worship environment.

Thus, the use of fragrances such as Kispray in worship is not just an option, but a recommendation. Let’s make our worship more meaningful by always maintaining cleanliness and personal fragrance.

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