April 24, 2024 News

Halal Bihalal Big Family of Enesis Group

One of the traditions that is always present after Eid al-Fitr is halal bihalal. In the KBBI, halal bihalal means forgiveness after completing the Ramadhan fast. The aim of holding halal bihalal is to strengthen ties between families, schools and work environments.

As a form of friendship, Enesis Group also held a halal bihalal event specifically for employees at each of its plants by inviting Ust. Koko Liem. SQ, MA for the Cikarang and Pulogadung plants, and also Ust. Dadang Holiyulloh for the Ciawi plant as a speaker at the event.

Plant Ciawi will be held on April 16 2024 with the theme “When Sorry Flows, Collaboration Makes Achievements”

The Cikarang Plant will be held on April 22 2024 with the theme “Later we will reflect on the sanctity of Eid al-Fitr in a relationship that works in synergy to advance the company”

The Pulogadung Plant was held on April 23 2024 with the theme “Strengthening Determination, Uniting Intentions Through a Spirit of Togetherness”

A series of events at halal bihalal this time, the first was opened by the MC and the reading of the holy verses of the Koran. This was then continued with the delivery of welcoming remarks from representatives of management and the committee. Don’t forget, Enesis Group has also prepared a number of prizes for employees who can answer questions during the quiz. The entertainment featured was a musical band performance in the middle of the event and closed with greetings between employees.

It is hoped that this halal bihalal event can strengthen ties, create harmony and do good in a sustainable manner.

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