Halal bihalal is a tradition of the Indonesian people which is carried out after Eid day both in the world of education, government agencies and companies. Halal bihalal aims to respect fellow human beings in the form of hospitality. Enesis Group also held special halal bihalal events for employees which were held at each plant.
The Ciawi Plant which was held on 28 April 2023 had the theme “Clean the Heart, Strengthen Gathering and Increase Productivity”.
Plant Cikarang May 3, 2023 with the theme “Spow Sorry, Purify Your Heart in the Beauty of Togetherness and Diversity to Increase Synergy”.
For the Pulo Gadung Plant it will be held on May 8 2023 with the theme “Celebrate Victory Increase Hospitality to Foster Industrial Relations”.
The series of halal bihalal events began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an and its meaning, followed by speeches from each plant representative, followed by marawis and hadroh performances at the Ciawi and Cikarang plants, then a number of door prizes for lucky Enesis Group employees and also quizzes. gift shopping vouchers. The highlight of the event, which was no less lively and awaited by all employees of the Enesis Group extended family, was the giving of tausiyah by the famous Ustad M. Nur Maulana.
At the end of the event, all employees shook hands with each other. It is hoped that this halal bihalal event can strengthen ties of friendship, create harmony and do good in a sustainable manner.