June 21, 2023 News

Enesis Group Participates in JIEP Sports Week

In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary, PT. Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (PT.JIEP) held the JIEP Sports Week “Sport Together, To Build & Healthier Future” for all companies located in Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate. The event takes place from June 5 to June 20 2023. The JIEP sports week consists of 3 sports, namely badminton which is participated in by 30 companies, futsal by 16 companies, and also chess by 32 companies with a total prize of 5,000,000 divided between 1st and 2nd place winners. 2 badminton and futsal, and 1,000,000 for the chess champion.

The JIEP Sports Week is routinely held every year, but it stopped when there was a pandemic. In 2023, PT. JIEP has again opened registration for all companies in the Pulogadung Industrial Area, limited by the available quota.

Enesis Group also took part in enlivening the JIEP Sports Fair, one of which was by participating in a futsal competition. The Enesis Group futsal team consists of 10 people from the logistics department, research marketing department, production department, and also OB. The names of the players are Agus, Lana, Fuzi, Derry Gunawan, Samsuri, Zedan Ubadhilah, Aziz, Kamaludin, Roynaldi and Ahmad Ridho. At that time Enesis Group competed against PT. DIC Graphic with a score of 2-0, then Enesis Group competed with PT. Biotechnology Indonesia with a final score of 0-1.

Apart from participating in futsal competitions, Enesis Group also participated in badminton and chess competitions.

The purpose of holding this JIEP Sports Week besides celebrating the anniversary of PT. JIEP, also to establish friendship and closeness between companies in the Pulo Gadung Industrial Area.

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