April 7, 2023 News

Iftar with the Big Family of PT. Sari Enesis Indah Cikarang

In order to enliven the activities of the holy month of Ramadan 1440 H, PT. Sari Enesis Indah Plant Cikarang held an iftar event for all employees. This iftar event with employees will be held on April 6, 2023.

This event was held at Asy Syifa Mosque, PT. Sari Enesis Indah – Cikarang together with Ustadz Zaky Mubarak with the theme “Ramadan Momentum Creates Akhlakul Karimah Individuals to Increase Faithfulness and Work Productivity”.

Apart from listening to lectures, while waiting for the breaking time, the Cikarang bukber committee also held door prizes for participants who attended the bukber event. This makes the bukber atmosphere exciting, laughing together and there is no awkwardness with one another.

With this joint iftar event, it is hoped that it will be useful for Enesis Group employees so that they become better individuals and remain enthusiastic about their activities to increase productivity in the midst of the month of Ramadan.

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