May 23, 2024 News

ACTIVE Challenge: Improving Performance and Collaboration Between Employees

ACTIVE Challenge is a training designed to increase the understanding of all Enesis Group employees regarding ACTIVE Culture and its application in their daily work. This year, the ACTIVE Challenge Training focuses on two main priorities, namely Integrity and Teamwork. The ACTIVE Challenge training was held in two sessions, namely the ACTIVE Challenge HR Training on April 30 2024 and the ACTIVE Challenge Batch 1 Training on May 22 2024.

This event was opened by Mr. Aryo Widiwardhono as Chief Executive Office of the Enesis Group, he said that “culture is very important because culture is what makes us different from others and how that culture is formed, namely from the people within the company’s organization, so that company culture is not only reflected in slogans or official documents, but also in everyday behavior, decisions and interactions between employees.” ACTIVE culture is proven to be able to increase productivity, increase employee engagement, strengthen trust, and establish a good company reputation. Employees who work in a positive and supportive culture will be more motivated and eager to provide their best for the company.

Mr. Bambang Cahyono as Chief of Human Resources, Public Relations, Legals and Regulatory Affairs Officer was also present to convey an important message to the ACTIVE Challenge HR Training participants. He explained that corporate culture is a collection of values, norms, beliefs and practices that shape the identity and work environment of a company. This culture is not only reflected in slogans or official documents, but also in everyday behavior, decisions, and interactions between employees.

“Spv Up’s Employee Opinion Survey data shows that 54% of employees reflect ACTIVE values ​​in their work. However, on the other hand, 90% of employees still do not understand the meaning and importance of ACTIVE culture and only know it as jargon or slogans. “This shows that there are still many employees who need to be encouraged to understand and implement the ACTIVE culture better,” said Bambang.

Apart from that, he also talked about how a strong company culture can provide many benefits for a company, such as increasing productivity, increasing employee engagement, strengthening trust, and establishing a good company reputation. In 2024, internalizing the ACTIVE culture will be the organization’s top priority for all levels of employees. The main focus in 2024 is to build Teamwork and Integrity. He hopes that participants in the ACTIVE Challenge HR training can have an important role in spreading and promoting the ACTIVE culture. Participants are encouraged to, Understand ACTIVE by studying and understanding ACTIVE values ​​in depth. Practicing ACTIVE by applying ACTIVE values ​​in daily work. Promote ACTIVE as a role model and promote the ACTIVE culture to colleagues.

This training invites participants to apply the principles of ACTIVE Culture through material presentation, discussions and games. The games designed by the trainers aim to help employees understand, practice and promote the ACTIVE culture in everyday life.

ACTIVE culture is a strong foundation for a company to achieve success. By understanding, practicing and promoting an ACTIVE culture, every employee can contribute to building a better and more advanced company.

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