August 6, 2024 News

Wellfest 2024: Enesis Group Offers Healthy Solutions with Plossa

Indonesia Wellness Festival (Wellfest 2024) is an event for business actors to introduce natural medicinal products, health supplements and cosmetics. This event was initiated by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and was held for the first time and was held on August 2-4, 2024 at Central Park Mall, Jakarta.

The Wellfest 2024 event which lasted for 3 days was opened by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno. He stated that this event was the largest in Indonesia with the theme “Natural and Beauty”. He also emphasized the importance of wellness tourism which is increasingly in demand by both domestic and foreign tourists. According to him, Indonesia has great potential to become a world-class health tourism destination

In addition to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Rizka Andalucia as the Acting Head of BPOM RI also gave a speech. She said that Wellfest 2024 is an event for business actors to introduce natural medicinal products, health supplements and cosmetics that they produce with consumers who can become new markets in Indonesia. An activity where the public can get information about wellness lifestyle and buy beauty and wellness products such as natural medicines, health supplements, and cosmetics that are guaranteed safe and of high quality by BPOM.

Enesis Group, a leading FMCG company in Indonesia, also enlivened Wellfest 2024. In line with Enesis Group’s commitment to “Healthy Products for Healthy Families”, Enesis Group also contributed to spreading the spirit of healthy living to the community through various interesting activities at the booth. Enesis Group provided education about Plossa products, aromatherapy wind oil that has 4 advantages as an inhaler, roll on, kerokan, and massage. Plossa can also help calm the mind and body. In addition, for visitors who want to buy Plossa products, Enesis also provides a promo for buying 2 regular Plossas and getting 1 free regular Plossa or Plossa mini refill + sachet for IDR 30,000 and being massaged for 5-10 minutes.

With Enesis Group’s participation in the Wellfest 2024 event, it shows Enesis Group’s commitment to supporting a healthy lifestyle for the Indonesian people. It is hoped that with events like this, it can increase public awareness of the importance of health and well-being.

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