March 15, 2023 News

Monitor Employee Health, Enesis Group Holds Free Medical Check Up

Medical Check Up (MCU) is a medical examination that aims to identify, maintain, and monitor health conditions. MCU can prevent and avoid complications from a disease. Enesis Group in collaboration with the Cakung District Health Center held a Mini-Medical Check Up for all Enesis employees on March 14, 2023 at the Lobby of Marketama Indah, East Jakarta attended by 127 employees.

The mini MCU this time includes a physical examination, blood pressure and blood sugar, the Puma test, the HIV test, and there are also IVA and Sadanis tests specifically for women. Doctor Sabrina as Enesis clinic doctor stated “Medical Check Up is carried out to provide a sense of security and comfort for Enesis Group employees in supporting social productivity and a healthy work environment”. This is also in line with the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 2 of 1980 concerning Worker Health Examination in the Implementation of Occupational Safety.

The MCU was held to make efforts to prevent potential work accidents and occupational diseases (PAK), namely by conducting regular health checks on workers. The results of this occupational health examination can be used as material for evaluating labor conditions, workplace conditions, work methods and work processes.

In addition, the results of this medical examination are part of detecting early illness for Enesis Group employees and providing appropriate treatment efforts if there are workers who have certain diseases, both chronic diseases or diseases that can be contagious and other types of diseases that can affect productivity. work and efficiency of the company.

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