October 18, 2016 News

Enesis Participation in Nadran, Cirebon

Nadran or traditions of the earth is a tradition of Cirebon community that is held regularly once a year and every year is always awaited by the people of Cirebon. Do not want to miss the opportunity to get closer to the people of Cirebon, on Friday to Sunday, October 14-16, 2016, Enesis through its reliability such as Soffell, Kispray, and Adem Sari Ching Ku also enliven the event that began at 13.00 pm until the night.

Beside held a booth selling, Adem Sari Ching Ku also participated in the parade as well as doing mobile selling with attractive promos, such as every purchase of 4 bottles / cans of Adem Sari Ching Ku then the consumer got a bonus Adem Sari Ching Ku Sparkling.. Meanwhile, Soffell and Kispray also held booth selling with various promos and attractive gimmicks which make the booth always crowded by visitors.

Like last year’s Nadran event, this year’s Nadran event is not only enlivened by carnival parades, but also art performances such as dance, wayang, and musical entertainment. Event Nadran Sedekah Bumi aims to give reflection to the whole community about the importance of gratitude to the God.

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