April 12, 2024 News

Enesis Group Enlivens the Homecoming Trip and Eid Holidays with Plossa and Adem Sari

Homecoming trips and Eid holidays are special moments for many people, especially for families who celebrate togetherness and joy together. To enliven this atmosphere, Enesis Group is here with refreshing innovation through its superior products, Plossa and Adem Sari.

In order to welcome the busy homecoming flow, Enesis Group has held a festive Plossa event at several strategic points, including Merak Harbor, Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Pulogebang Terminal, Gambir Station, KM57 Rest Area, and East Karawang Nontoll Rest Area. There, travelers can enjoy Plossa which is ready to provide benefits when traveling home.

Not only that, Adem Sari Chingku was also present on this homecoming trip. Homecomers who stop at Merak Harbor and the East Karawang Nontoll Rest Area can enjoy the fresh sensation of Adem Sari Chingku, which will make the traveler’s journey even more enjoyable.

Apart from enlivening the homecoming trip, Enesis Group also brings joy to the Eid holiday tour. Plossa and Adem Sari Chingku are ready to welcome visitors to Ragunan and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) with an attractive promotion, namely buy 2 get 1. This moment is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the freshness and deliciousness of Enesis Group products with family and friends in the middle of the atmosphere. joyful holiday.

With various events held at strategic points for homecoming flows and holiday destinations, Enesis Group has succeeded in making a positive contribution to travelers and visitors, as well as enlivening the atmosphere of Eid travel and holidays. We hope that Enesis Group’s innovation and dedication will continue to provide inspiration and joy for the Indonesian people at every special moment.


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